DVC invites World Transformation Day on Sunday April 05, 2020

03042020 India, DefinedValuesConsultants:

  • Who are Workers, Managers, Leaders and Mentors?
  • How do your actions get accumulated and transform into circumstances?
  • What is the difference between your Space of Accountability & Influence…how to harness them?
  • How does your action get influenced by Intellect, Emotions and Attachment…results of such actions?
  • Discover the eight elements of your body and learn to empower them!
  • Is every incidence indicating Generat, Operate and Destroy principle?
  • Where are You now and why are you here?

01 Hitesh ChandelInnumerable questions haunt us especially when we have ample ‘Me-Time’. Novel Corona Virus (Covid-19) has given us tons of it through 21DayLock-Down. Due to fear, ambiguity and depression many start pondering over many questions that probably have no answers….or rather we are unable to discover them.

Social media is filled with a lot of material that in a way corrupts our attitude and results is unlimited negativity. There are even people who are predicting the dooms day…imagine!

Now the predominant question, How to realize the ultimate truth and answers to the various questions disturbing an average individual, who had been good (without harming others), supportive to family needs and performed professionally with certain positive ethics!

The only answer to this question, in this all materialistic world, is a mentor who can visualise the past, Present and Future of this entire setup and can document the Standard Operation Procedures for the transforming process is the need of the hour.

Defined Values Consultants Pvt Ltd, Founded by Hitesh Chandel, is integrating the individuals and institutions into a Global Collaboration Framework through which all major problems of the Ecosystem will be fixed right at the root, thereby creating a win-win situation for all citizens of this planet.

We have codenamed the entire scope of our work as Project YugParivartan (Project Grand Change). We conduct regular public events to interface with the Target Audience to explain them the vision, mission, framework, benefits, expectations etc, so that a person can take informed decision for his/her professional and personal development.

The Registration forms for upcoming events are published on our website and other event listing websites from time to time. We are promoting following four professional services as part of Project YugParivartan. They are Self-Actualized Leadership Network (SALN), Defined Values Trainers Network (DVTN), Defined Values Business Network (DVBN) and Self-Realized Mentorship Network (SRMN)”

Defined Values Consultants (DVC) is collaborating with World Transformation Organisation to celebrate World Transformation Day on Sunday, April 5th 2020.

We would like to invite you to collaborate for creating a better world. You can participate while sitting at your home by contributing your content in 3 ways as explained in the video. DVC is looking forward to your participation. Together Everyone Achieves More.

“I need 50 people from DVC family to participate in the World Transformation Day. How to participate….. is given in the video itself. Kindly nominate……” Hitesh Chandel.

He is the Founder & Chief Mentor of DVC and Author of Leader ship Book, “Code Of Citizen’s Conduct” 

World Transformation Day happens on the First Sunday in every April, a day that celebrates and inspires transformation through sharing ourselves, raising our collective consciousness.

Leaders and entrepreneurs should prepare themselves for handling post corona economic situation…. build new systems and uplift the economyexpressed Hitesh Chandel.

In line with the mission, DVC conducts Spiritual awakening initiatives like:

“1. Coronovirus Pacification Meditation with Chief Mentor Hitesh Chandel

Every Day 30th Mar 2020

Time: 7:30 to 8:00 pm (for first timers)

Time: 8 pm to 8:30 pm (for those where seed is sown)

Venue: Zoom Meeting Id 233-281-063

Valid only for 100 participants

For first timers: We will sow a seed of Coronavirus pacification in the hearts of people during the deep state of meditation.

For the initiated: We will nourish the seed sown during the seeding session.

This will help us generate an antidote vibration to this virus and help reduce the energy of the virus.You can share this with people in your network outside DVC also.

Ask people to join the following group for getting the meditation related coordination messages.”

  1. Code of Citizens Conduct (Rashtradharma) (CoCC) reading session

Every Wednesday, Time: 9:30 – 10:30 pm, Venue: Zoom.us Meeting ID 684-163-368

This book (CoCC) contains the detailed vision of Project YugParivartan and Self Actualization.



  1. Bhagwat Gita Wisdom Book Circle

Every Thursday, Time: 9:30 – 10:30 pm, Venue: Zoom.us Meeting ID: 838-869-618

Hitesh Chandel summarizes “20 lessons learnt in past few days 21DaysLockDown):

  1. Majority of people can work from home.
  2. We and the kids can survive without junk food.
  3. Prisoners in jails for petty crimes can be released.
  4. We can build hospitals within days.
  5. We can spend Billions of Rupees on poor without red-tapism.
  6. We can survive vacations without trips to Europe and USA.
  7. Developed nations are as vulnerable as any poor nation, in fact more vulnerable.
  8. Our family system is still intact..
  9. We spend hell lot of Petrol unnecessarily burdening our economy.
  10. Rich people are in fact less immune than the poor.
  11. Elites are not powerful. They are shallow.
  12. Husband can live with his wife without weekly parlour visits and vice versa.
  13. Elders are the backbone of a family.
  14. Saving money is important.
  15. Mutual Funds are actually subjected to market risks.
  16. Living a hygienic life is not difficult.
  17. Only women are not supposed to know how to cook.
  18. There are a lot of good people in the World.
  19. Don’t disrespect nature. We encroached too far.
  20. Charity is not something you give, it is a satisfaction you receive.”

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Note: In this hour of caution, due to the panic created by Novel Corona Virus (Covid-19) please follow social distancing and Stay Home – Stay Safe – Be healthy – Be Happy. This lock-down period is a time gap to introspect and upskill. With Inputs from internet – RajKishan

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