Diving into the Blue Gold Rush: Unveiling the Vital Importance of Water for the Human Body and the Compelling Startup Opportunities It Presents!

15062023 Editorials, WATER For BODY:


  • What is the magnitude of the water problem
  • How does water nourish the body
  • Have we taken water for granted
  • How are climatic changes affecting groundwater
  • Is water our only source for quenching

In this tri-article series, we tried to think of ways to convert ocean water into potable water and also analysed the practicality of the issue. To think of an issue as a challenge and come forward to find a solution, one must understand the repercussions of the problem on the target market in this case, mankind as a whole.

Based on the above assumptions, we took the liberty to give a deeper reason to strengthen our concept, of why we need STARTUPS to innovate in this area. Water has been the only source of survival and if noted most early civilizations are associated with a water body. Life thrived around water from time immemorial. And it is high time everyone took responsibility for providing water for all mankind.

‘Now let us understand how Water is essential for the human body and How it plays numerous vital roles in nourishing the body. The list below is from a common man’s point of view and is not associated with any medical intelligence.

HYDRATION: Water is crucial for maintaining proper hydration. It helps regulate body temperature, lubricates joints, and transports nutrients, oxygen, and waste products throughout the body.

CELL FUNCTION: Water is a key component of cells and bodily fluids. It aids in various cellular processes, including metabolism, enzymatic reactions, and the transport of ions and molecules across cell membranes.

DIGESTION AND NUTRIENT ABSORPTION: Water helps facilitate the digestion and absorption of nutrients in the gastrointestinal tract. It aids in breaking down food, allowing the body to extract essential nutrients and deliver them to the cells.

WASTE REMOVAL: Water is essential for kidney function and the excretion of waste products through urine. It helps flush out toxins, regulates electrolyte balance, and supports optimal kidney function.

JOINT AND TISSUE HEALTH: Water helps maintain joint lubrication and cushioning, promoting smooth movement and reducing the risk of joint pain and injury. It also supports the health and elasticity of connective tissues throughout the body.

COGNITIVE FUNCTION: Proper hydration is important for optimal brain function. Even mild dehydration can impair cognitive performance, attention, and memory.

ENERGY PRODUCTION: Water is involved in the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the body’s main energy currency. Adequate hydration supports energy metabolism and helps combat fatigue.

SKIN HEALTH: Sufficient water intake promotes skin hydration and elasticity, contributing to a healthy complexion. It can help prevent dryness, promote wound healing, and support the overall health of the skin.

To maintain adequate water balance in the body, it is generally recommended to drink water throughout the day, even when not feeling thirsty. The exact amount of water needed varies depending on factors such as age, activity level, climate, and overall health. It is important to listen to your body’s thirst cues and ensure regular water intake to support optimal bodily functions.’

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If we cannot make it, Let us innovate in conservation

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