• What has Ramayana in store for founders
  • How did King Rama use the right resources for the right job
  • Why is RamaSetu stands a symbol of pure love
  • What GenNext need to learn from the History of Bharath
  • Is there a more powerful warrior and strategist than Lord Rama

RAMAYANA has been adored by millions of people globally as one of the greatest epics of all time. The controversies of the linkage to history must have ended with the discovery of RAMSETU, the symbol of Pure Love.

However, let’s not get into the skin of the issues but understand the valuable sayings of KING RAMA that really are the guidebook for upcoming founders. The epic written centuries ago still holds good for today’s situations and shall be for good for the future as well.

The most important aspect that needs to be realised by all founders is to utilize the right resources for the right job, and success is at your doorstep. Any person who has read the great epic will know the value of HANUMAN (Ape + HuMan). The contributions of HANUMAN are immense and his respect for the Opulence of Lord Rama is incomparable.

KING RAMA had used the right resources like the VANARAS (Ape + HuMan) army to defeat his opponent KING RAVANA. Trusting the intelligence, bravery and valour of these people LORD RAMA sought their help and they volunteered for the mighty task of finding MOTHER SITA, building RAMA SETU and vanquishing KING RAVANA.

“Here are a few more great sayings from the Ramayana that can hold good for STARTUP teams:

Believe in yourself, and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.” This saying emphasizes the importance of self-belief, confidence, and resilience. STARTUP teams need to have a strong belief in their abilities and their product, even when faced with challenges and obstacles.

The biggest guru-mantra is: never share your secrets with anybody. It will destroy you.” This saying highlights the importance of keeping your intellectual property and trade secrets confidential. In the context of STARTUP teams, it is critical to protect your ideas and innovations from being stolen or copied by competitors.

The mind is everything. What you think, you become.” This saying emphasizes the power of positive thinking and mindset. In the context of STARTUP teams, having a growth mindset, being open to new ideas, and embracing failure as a learning opportunity is essential.

The greatest enemy of knowledge is not just ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge.” This saying highlights the danger of overconfidence and the importance of staying humble and open-minded. In the context of STARTUP teams, it is crucial to recognize that there is always more to learn and to seek out feedback and advice from others.

Change is the law of life, and those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.” This saying emphasizes the importance of being adaptable and willing to embrace change. In the context of STARTUP teams, it is crucial to be agile, flexible, and willing to pivot your strategy or product if necessary.”

On the whole today’s BHARATH has a rich cultured ancestry that dates back millions of years. As a BHARATH VASI one needs to understand these epics and use their advice to lead a happy life while respecting the rich heritage of this world’s largest populated nation.

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