Are you learning from your experiences or from other’s too! Impacts personal performance

06072021 India, CoachKrishnadas

03 CoachKrishnadas

Continued from…If you are working in your business, you are destined for doom! Coach KRISHNADAS 02……..

  • What do you know of anger management?
  • Do you control the situation or the situation controls you?
  • Does your team share your vision?
  • Are team lunches and team meetings part of your schedule?
  • Do you know what to expect from team members?

Coach KRISHNADAS continuesLearning and self-development is not a time or age-limited activity. It has little to do with what degree or qualification you have. Yes, it is a continuous process that we all subconsciously do, purely by the virtue of being a sentient creature.

However, growth and fulfilment of our individual potential comes when we make conscious and planned efforts for learning.

Continuous learning then is a mindset. It is no surprise that the most successful people in the world call themselves ‘forever students’.

Their experience, age or success does not make them say, ‘I know everything’, but rather they constantly ask themselves, ‘What more can I learn?’

Whether you are a young, first time entrepreneur, an established business owner or a professional in a company, you should constantly find opportunities to learn and update yourself.

If possible, be a part of a group or community of like-minded leaders so that you can learn with and from them. Nobody has ever regretted having knowledge.

Coming back to the incident, with the old workshop participant, what’s the other answer to why he was attending the workshop – the honest-to-heart answer?

“I am here to meet you,” the old gentleman said. “You and the other participants.” Seeing the slight confusion on my face, he added, “There is so much that people are doing in the world. There is so much that they know.

By coming to programs like these, I get to interact with people from diverse walks of life. I talk to people like you and find out what you are doing.

I don’t know if I will ever use what I have learnt here in my retired life. But maybe some idea or thought that gets sparked here will inspire me to start something new.”

When I reflect on that conversation, I am not sure which of the two answers he gave was truly the philosophical one. But it was clear that as social animals, we human beings are designed to interact and learn from each other. And like the number of humans on the planet, there’s so much to learn, that it will probably take more than a lifetime. But we must start somewhere.

So start now.

Action Items

  • Be a continuous learner
  • Find and participate in a group / community that focus on learning and development
  • Surround yourself with people who have better or complementary skills than you
  • Work on your business rather than in your business”

About the author

KRISHNADAS is an entrepreneur, trainer and executive mentor who runs multiple businesses. His company P5 CONSULTING provides bespoke HR, training and psychometric assessment services to companies and individuals. He also runs LLC – Lifelong Learners Community (www.p5consulting.com/llc) having members who are business owners and organizational leaders from different industries. LLC has regular training sessions and provides its members coaching by certified experts to help them grow themselves and their businesses. You can reach him at kd@p5consulting.in

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