Are you qualified to start an AI STARTUP?

25052023 Editorials AI in INDIA:

Skillset needed for AI

  • What are the qualifications needed for AI
  • How can everybody succeed in this domain
  • Can only engineers master this sector
  • How can graduates deal with the AI segment
  • What are the opportunities for all disciplines

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a fast-emerging technology globally. In this five-article series, this is the Fourth and we discuss how graduates from any discipline, can utilize this opportunity.

Any student can take up AI courses and some of them are available even for tenth and twelfth class students. However one can perform better with a graduation. Then taking up a master’s in AI would be an added advantage to solving critical problems.

A noted magazine claims, ‘AI distinguishes itself within cognitive science by providing tools to build intelligence rather than just studying the external behaviour of intelligent agents or dissecting the inner workings of intelligent systems.’ This is an apt statement as AI takes over all domains and enhances their efficiency levels.

“The field of AI is highly interdisciplinary, and individuals from diverse educational backgrounds can find opportunities in AI. While there is no specific background requirement, here are some educational disciplines that can provide a strong foundation for a career in AI:

Computer Science / Computer Engineering: A background in computer science or computer engineering is commonly sought after in AI roles. It provides a solid understanding of programming, algorithms, data structures, and computer systems, which are fundamental to AI development.

Mathematics/Statistics: Proficiency in mathematics and statistics is crucial for many aspects of AI, such as machine learning, data analysis, and algorithm design. Strong mathematical skills enable individuals to grasp the underlying principles and concepts of AI models and techniques.

Data Science / Data Analytics: Data science or data analytics backgrounds equip individuals with skills in data manipulation, statistical analysis, and machine learning. These skills are highly valuable in AI-related roles that involve working with large datasets and extracting insights from data.

Engineering (Electrical, Mechanical or other disciplines): Engineering backgrounds can be advantageous in AI fields like robotics, computer vision, and natural language processing. These disciplines provide a strong understanding of the physical world and enable individuals to integrate AI with real-world applications.

Physics: Physics provides a strong foundation in mathematical modelling, problem-solving, and analytical thinking. These skills are transferable to AI, especially in areas like computational physics, simulations, and optimization algorithms.

Cognitive Science / Psychology: The study of cognitive science or psychology can be valuable in AI fields like natural language processing, human-computer interaction, and user experience design. Understanding human cognition and behaviour enhances the development of AI systems that interact with humans effectively.

Philosophy / Ethics: Given the ethical considerations surrounding AI, a background in philosophy or ethics can contribute to the discussion and implementation of responsible AI. It helps individuals understand the societal impacts, biases, and ethical implications of AI technologies.

It’s worth noting that while these backgrounds can provide a strong foundation, AI is a rapidly evolving field, and individuals often acquire additional skills through continuous learning, online courses, certifications, and practical experience. The ability to adapt, learn new concepts, and stay updated with advancements in AI is essential for success in the field.”

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To be continued 5/5

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